
Ivy is a static website generator built in Python. It transforms a directory of text files into a self-contained website.

Version 2.10.0


Ivy is a static website generator built in Python. It's small, elegant, and easy to use.

$ ivy --help

Usage: ivy [FLAGS] [COMMAND]

  Ivy is a static website generator. It transforms a
  directory of text files into a self-contained website.

  -h, --help          Print the application's help text.
  -v, --version       Print the application's version.

  build               Build the site.
  clear               Clear the output directory.
  init                Initialize a new site directory.
  serve               Run a server on the output directory.
  tree                Print the site's node tree.
  watch               Monitor the site directory and
                      automatically rebuild on changes.

Command Help:
  help <command>      Print the command's help text.

You can build many different kinds of website using Ivy but it's particularly suited to building project documentation like the documentation you're looking at right now.


Install Ivy from the Python Package Index using pip:

$ pip install ivy

Ivy requires Python 3.8 or later.


This work has been placed in the public domain.